Sunday, August 15, 2010

"We're really going!"

Thank you all so much for your support!! Our coffee and dessert 'event' was a huge success. God has completely provided for our trip to Cambodia! This journey has felt kind of surreal for the most part up until now. We have taken a few 'big steps' towards Cambodia these last several months and when we do it begins to feel a little more like its happening. Friday night we both looked at each other almost simultaneously and said, "We're really going!" Thank you all for allowing Him to use you in order to make this a reality! We're truly grateful for all the amazing people God has put in our lives. Please continue to pray as we take more 'big steps' these next few weeks towards Cambodia.

1 comment:

  1. Thank ya'll for saying yes to go.
    Because you said yes, I got to experience God in some really fresh and unique ways.

